President Pro Tempore’s Office

The office of the President pro Tempore is decorated with red accents that reflect the red color palette of the Senate Chamber. The President pro Tempore is the central figure in the policymaking of the State Senate, elected by a vote of all the Senators. This role is responsible for the Senate’s administration, policy agenda, and relationships with the Assembly and Executive Branch.

The President pro Tempore chairs the Senate Rules Committee and works with four other committee members to confirm certain appointments made by the Governor. The Senate Rules Committee is also responsible for assigning Senators to various other committees, appointing committee chairpersons, and referring legislation to standing or temporary committees for hearings. Senators are elected to serve on the Rules Committee by a vote of the full Senate membership.

The Senate Rules Committee establishes standing Senate committees at the beginning of each two-year legislative session. Since it is not possible to discuss each bill at length on the Senate floor, the Senate committees are tasked with analyzing proposed legislation before it is sent to the floor for debate.

president pro tem
pro tem office