This is a website specifically for the “The Road Ahead: The Automobile’s Impact on California” Exhibit. Dates: May 23, 2018 – April 29, 2019 at the California State Capitol Museum.
This exhibit is located in three different rooms.
The automobile’s incredible effect on shaping the culture of California is told in the Exhibit Room 105.
The overall history and impact of the automobile on the Golden State, and the story of the three main state departments concerned with the car – DMV, Caltrans and CHP – is presented in the two exhibit rooms at the opposite end of the hallway, called the AG Exhibit Room (Attorney General Exhibit Room).
You can view these exhibits online too:
California State Capitol Museum – The Road Ahead Exhibit
This is a website specifically for the “The Road Ahead: The Automobile’s Impact on California” Exhibit. Dates: May 23, 2018 – April 29, 2019 at the California State Capitol Museum.
For Museum-related information such as contacts, hours and location: Visit